Type of manuscript accepted
The Journal accepts the original scholarly work done in all fields of Biological, Health and Allied Sciences, and Medical Education. This may be in the form of original articles, review articles, trials, case reports, editorials, letter to editor, short communication, and so on.
Open-access policy statement:
Open access (OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access via online to peer-reviewed scholarly research. Open access journals provide ‘gold’ open access, meaning immediate open access to all their articles on the publisher’s website. ‘Gold’ open access for individual articles is funded by authors (or their author’s institution or funders) who pay an open access publishing fee (APC). All the scholarly work published in JSMBBMU is “open-access”. The open-access policy adopted by the Journal is based on the definition of the term provided in Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing in 2003.